Fundamental Tools That Lead To The Success Of A Residential Painting Project
Much like many other services, painting too demands precision, knowledge and skills. The other most important thing required for a wonderful paint job is tools. With the right tools you can go about with a paint project and ultimate achieve a finish and look for your home that is unparalleled. Basically, the right kind of painting tools makes the job not just easier and safer but faster as well. Although these are jobs which are best handled by residential painters in Sydney, still if you insist on a DIY paint job, we are here to help you with a wide range of house painting tools. The entire process will turn easier and accurate once you get hold of the tools.
Paint can-opener
Let’s start with this unique tool which makes your job easier. The reason why we want you to use this tool is so that you don’t spill over the paint in an attempt to open the can. The can opener is designed to fit around the slots on the can so that the top of the can easily opens up.
Tape measure
Your next tool is the tape measure. Before you go ahead with the painting project, learn how much area you need to cover. For this you will need a tape measure. It helps calculate the exact area which you need to paint.
Blue painter’s tape
Have you ever wondered what’s easiest way to stop painting surfaces that you don’t want? Its none other than the blue painter’s tape. You can apply the tape on ceilings, wall edges, doors and windows.
Masking tool
The masking tool is extremely important as they are easier to apply and faster to take off. It makes the job simple.
Drop cloth
Usually residential or commercial painters in Sydney will use the drop cloth in order to protect various elements from being painted. When you don’t want to drop paint on furniture and fixtures, all you need is a drop cloth which will protect the surfaces from unnecessary spills.
Sandpaper or sander
Sandpaper is most important here. Its important that the surface be made smoother before primer is applied on them. Sandpaper allows just that.
Primer and hole filler
Even though not all the paint jobs require a coat of primer but for those that do, here is something you should consider going through. By applying primer, you can ensure that the paint covers up any trace of existing coats. The thick composition of primer allows the paint to settle well. Other than applying primer you will also need to add some hole fillers into holes.
Stir stick
Professional painters will stir the paint before they would apply it on the surface. Get a stir stick and stir the paint well to avoid unevenness.
Pouring spot
The pouring spot is essential if you want to avoid mess.
Paint bucket
The small sized pail is necessary as its extremely handy. Imagine standing on the ladder, painting the outer trims and you suddenly realise that you have to go down the ladder to get the primer can. The lightweight bucket is a necessity. The handy bucket is where you can carry everything together.
Paint sprayer
When it comes to covering larger outdoor spaces, the paint sprayer comes to your rescue. The paint sprayer quickens the painting speed for you.
Flat brush
The flat brush is an excellent tool especially when you want to cover the cut-off point.
Angled paint brush
Want to cut in a particular corner? Get the angled paintbrush. They help cover angular surfaces better.
The wet sponge is extremely handy. You can wipe down the walls by means of a wet sponge that removes debris from the surface and allows the paint to stick.
These are some vital tools which painting professionals use for faster and better finish.
Author-bio: the author runs a residential painters company in Sydney. In recent times the author has been shedding light on key aspects concerning the subject.